room soundproofing

How do acoustic panels work and why are they used?

The sound quality of rooms can be improved by strategically placing large, soft-furnished panels. Foam and fabric combined make the acoustic foam which can be cut into a variety of shapes and sizes. They can also be customized to match your room’s décor. An acoustic panel is usually used to reduce the residual sound in space by absorbing or diffusing it on the first point of reflection. When installed correctly, an acoustic panel can be used to reduce the residual sound in any space. By using acoustic panels, you will be able to use fewer, therefore avoiding the risk of over cluttering the area.

Diffusers & absorbers

Depending on your intended purpose and outcome, you can design an acoustic foam as a diffuser or absorber. In order for high-quality acoustics, it’s important to use absorbers and diffusers properly in rooms, semi-enclosed spaces, and outdoor environments. You will receive detailed recommendations from our specialists as part of our in-depth consultation process.

Acoustic panels have many benefits

soundproof foam

Restaurants, bars, offices, and music venues are all good locations to use acoustic panels. There are numerous considerations for each space, but they are all linked to enhancing the quality of sound and making it more comprehensible. Typical open-plan offices often have a specific area for telemarketing, which involves loud telephone conversations and plenty of distractions. The placement of acoustic panels can help to localize noise, keeping it contained when people are communicating in such close proximity.

Lacking wall space?

Acoustic panels are ideal if you don’t have much wall space we touched on this briefly in the introduction. Our visits to offices and restaurants often reflect their brand identity in their wall décor, so unattractive panels on the walls are the last thing they want. There’s no need to cover whole wall space to resolve acoustic issues. Our experts can identify where the first point of reflection is, so they can place the wall panel in the ideal location to solve the problem. Furthermore, we offer panels that have been designed with the end user in mind. We strive to deliver a visually striking product, so our design process incorporates your brand’s image.